higher education customer service training and certification programs for staff and students

Our Mission

Create a customer service initiative-

partner with students on academic success!


Our mission:

Re-envision customer service

Coming from diverse two-year and four-year institutional experiences as faculty and administrators and now as SLC consultants, we love what we do, but we know that in today’s world, service challenges can be daunting. We train staff to become role models for service excellence as they encourage students to become better customers! Staff deliver the institutional brand identity every day in every exchange that attracted students to your campus in the first place!

Our personal experience, and enrollment management background, together brings special sensitivities to the non-traditional, first generation, culturally diverse student population of today. When staff value and serve every student as a unique individual they help institutions discover service improvements that go way beyond mere satisfaction.

Our passion:

We love students and learning

Remember how exciting it was when you first went to college? It was the future – it was your future. College was all about knowledge, creativity, and innovation – about changing the world! Some of us struggled at first. But we finally got undergrad degrees, grad degrees, then professors and, eventually, administrators. We believe college has the power to transform. We’ve seen it, we’ve done it, and we’ve lived it.

But the problem is that it is a tougher road today! Students today bring a lot more financial stress and career uncertainty with them in their backpack. Many are working full-time, some with added responsibilities of blended families and mortgages. We believe today’s students, now more than ever, need caring staff partners on campus to help them navigate the increasingly complex world of higher ed.

Let’s partner with one student at a time – to improve student success!